Whats up? Ya boys back with some heat for ya! Gonna be a busy week at the "office"!
1. How did Wasted Talent get started?
After finding my niche by customizing a Munny by Kidrobot. The very 1st one I did practically gave me a foot in the door for opportunities to work with the "already successful" part of the industry. After that, I was just a surfer riding the wave. I went from partying everyday for years to BOOM! My career starts now. I always wanted to design clothes since I was 14. I literally started from scratch with 2 t-shirts and pushing them straight off of myspace alone, nothing else, it was easier for me to get the word out there and try and let people see my "vision", so to speak... and I pretty much took it from there. Still growing slowly, but "still growing".
2. What is your inspiration for your line?
Everything. Just trying to create some dope shit.
3. What are your future plans for the brand?
I want to design and create everything I can. As long as it's appealing to me as well. I'm not gonna be making any Cardigan sweaters anytime soon. I'm also planning to bankrupt Uggs for putting out such wackness and letting allllllll MY girls look like knuckleheads all this time. HA!
4. What have you been listening to lately?
It changes every hour. It could be hip hop, 80's freestyle, electronica, heavy metal, rock, reggae, I love it all. I'm constantly trying to find new music on myspace nobody knows about. I should totally be an A&R!
5. What are some accomplishments that WT made that makes you most proud?
Everything really. I've been doubted all my life for so long that I almost thought I couldn't do half the shit I did until after I did it and I'm like, "wow, I did it... and it looks good". Even having art "I" did tour next to names that in my opinion, are so much more talented then me. I never really expected much at first, so with that said, it feels great to even have done what I did in the 2 years I did it in as a one man team. I could stop right now and feel like I already show and proved, ya know?
6. Some useful advice for peoples who are thinking about starting there own line or opening there own shop?
I dunno about their own shop... yet, but just stay positive, save up money, research, research, research, study the industry, study their hits and misses, don't rush, have fun, you know... shit like that. Most importantly you gotta be creative and original!
7. final thoughts? shoutouts?
Know your place!
And shout out to everybody who in one way or another supports "Wasted Talent". No Sleep, 8 Bza G, Tyler, Jordan C. of Thick Mag, Dave of Micreation, Sucklord, TNES, NEMS Fuck Your Lyfe mayor, Task One, James May, Kombat, Ruel, Team R.S.P., Wordspit, Angry Panda, Leonard, Jimi, Monster Ink, P.J. of Immortal Beloved Toys, Nerviswrek, Raid, Chase of Subculture NYC, Deem, Seler, Monster Ink, Tav, Barnes, Burgos, The Schnell's, A$H of Conart, Mr Bru Cru, Rime NYC, Goliath NY, World NYC, all my friends, family and fellow artists across the country. All the fly girls on my top 8. And of course, D-Man for this interview. WASTED TALENT! REPRESENT!
Nasty Neil
www. myspace. com/nastyneilcreations
www. myspace. com/therealwastedtalent
www. iwillnotbeawastedtalent. com