Friday, July 4, 2008

Side Note

This is an important message to ALL music fans!
Even though Nas's 'N' album keeps gettin pushed back further than Flo-Rida's hair line,its still gonna come out!There should be no reason why Lil'Wayne should sell more than one of the G.O.A.T.(No diss to Weezy Wee,but seriously....)

I actually have 'Nigger'(...the real fan's will call it that,IMO)But i'm not gonna post the link.Yall need to go out and buy this when it's released as will I.


But I Digress....



Justin Fallible said...

*golf clap* FINALLY, someone other than Me who won't defend Weezy and admit that He's horrible.

While I'm a huge Nas fan for fear of getting wookie stomped I won't be calling this album by it's name.

iLL-Logic-aL said...

Mighty rightious of you Nic.

Death to the pop fly!